Meet the Medina family. 🙂 I have known Sharon and her girls for over 10 years. In fact, I use to babysit the girls. I remember always making up crazy games to play with them and watching hours of “The Wizard of Oz.” But now they’re all grown up! We all lived on the same street growing up and Sharon and her husband Aaron are still frequent party guests at my parents house even though they moved to Celina. I also worked for Sharon at her fabulous Day Spa in Frisco during the holidays. If you need a fabulous spa treatment, definitely check out The Stonebriar Spa — It’s where I always go for my back massages after crazy wedding weekends.
It’s just so fun to have relationships with people that last so long in life. So now to introduce you to the family!
Meet Meghan. Hannah.
Love this one! (and I think Caden’s little “serious” face is awesome!)